Friday, April 30, 2010


You know how everyone's always making fun of me (well, not to my face, just snickering behind my back as we do dishes - you know who you are!) for saving those plastic type containers you get when you order take out? Well, lookie here! That's my salad for lunch perfectly fitted into one of those "useless" containers that some people would throw away - aha! See how the lid fits perfectly, so salad isn't hopping around a ziplock bag I might choose instead? And see how I only have to take one container as opposed to quite a few little baggies of ingredients? I rest my case! Now you all want my containers, don't you?

Thursday, April 29, 2010

We're all different!

Everyone looks different, everyone sounds different, everyone acts different, and EVERYONE THINKS DIFFERENT! (Or should those all be differently?) Whew! I need to emphasize that to hopefully get it in my head once and for all. I somehow fall into this pattern of thinking (sub-consciously, of course) that everyone thinks and, therefore does things exactly like I would. Not truth! We are all different and we do things and think differently about things. Things that are a "given" to me, are the furthest thing priority wise for someone else. It's a hard spot to maneuver, I think, when I want to communicate how I think without sounding like I know more or my way is better or whatever, and to make room for someone else's way of doing things or thinking about things. Now there are things that are standard truth - not changing by who thinks them true or not. But when it comes to ways of doing things or opinions about things, it might help to realize that everyone's background experience is different, and therefore, their feelings and thinking about things will be approached from a different angle and they'll most likely do things in a little different way than I do. But that doesn't mean they're wrong or that I'm wrong. We just need to make room in our space for each other and our differences. Who knows - someday we might even grow to appreciate the variety!

Monday, April 26, 2010


Today I am making a choice to live in an attitude of gratitude. I intend to turn each situation into one where I can be thankful - I believe there's something in every situation to be glad about. May sound corny, but I really think that my attitude makes a difference in what kind of day I ultimately experience - you know, how you look at things sometimes changes things, even if that change is just a change in my view. For instance, I can start with a whole long list of things to be thankful for. I live in a nice house - not on the street; I slept in a warm bed last night - not on the floor; I had several choices for breakfast - there are those who are hungry this a.m.; I have a job to go to today - I'm not unemployed; I have people who love and support me - I'm not alone in this venture. And on and on I could go. Do I have everything I think I need? No. Are there things I would like to be different in my life? Yes. But when I look at the overview of it all and think of what could be in my life, I think I've got it pretty good. How will you look at your life today?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A little help from someone upstairs

Friday I came to the realization that I had a huge problem on my hands. I offer a raindrop therapy treatment that is not purchased by my patients very often (although it should be, in my opinion, because it is a wonderful and beneficial treatment!), and so I need to refer to my notes and my book when I perform one of these because I need to make sure the order is always done correctly. Anyway, I always keep the book with my notes inside under the basket containing the oils it requires on a shelf in my shop office. Thursday night one of my patients asked if she could schedule a raindrop therapy treatment for the next morning, and I said sure. The thought fleetingly went through my mind on my way home late Thursday evening that I hadn't noticed that book being on the shelf lately. Last October when we remodeled the shop, I had taken most of my things home for a few days for the laying of the floor, but I had brought the oils back, so I was sure the book was there. Come Friday a.m., I went into the shop extra early to review and prepare and, you guessed it, no book ,no notes. I was frantic. I looked on every shelf, unloaded every cupboard, opened and emptied every drawer in the office, but to no avail. I thought and thought about it and tried to recall just where I may have put them. I finally called and left my customer a voice mail, saying I would have to forego the raindrop therapy and just do a therapeutic massage unless she wanted to re-schedule. She was very cordial and we did the regular massage, but I was sooooooo upset! Never in my almost ten years of being in business have I been so embarassed at my own unprofessional behavior. I was dejected. I had another raindrop therapy session scheduled on Monday, so I only had the weekend to find my materials. I had a horrendously busy schedule this weekend, so I knew Sunday evening would be it - going through boxes, going back over everything in the shop if necessary, etc. At the core of my being, I was also upset because I couldn't remember moving the book. As I get older, one of the most difficult things for me to deal with has been losing the "edge" so to speak of my brain capacity. Sometimes, I am in a "brain fog" and can't see out! That is unusual and very unsettling for me. Anyway, making a long story longer (as I am so gifted at doing!) I asked God to help me - to let the book turn up or help me remember where I had put it. So today Tracey and I had been in Decatur and were about 2 or 3 blocks from my home when a bright red cardinal flew across the other lane and literally slowed down in front of Tracey's car as if to say "make sure you see me!". He was intentional. Now, I know Native Americans believe that when an animal crosses your path or comes near you, the Creator (God) is trying to send you a message. I have a book that tells alot about animals and what we can learn from them, thus if one comes by me in such a manner, I look it up. So, I told Tracey I would look up cardinals when I got home and call her because this bird definitely had a message for one of us. After getting settled in, I went to the bookcase where I put books of this nature and lo and behold, 2 books over from the Animal Speak book was, yep - you guessed it! The book and notes I needed for my raindrop therapy treatment! I was flabbergasted! I have no idea how it got there, who put it there, or how long it's been there. I would never have looked there, either, because I don't ever separate my work materials like that. This normally would have stayed with my work supplies. Amazing. Unexplainable, except to say that God heard my cry and helped me out. Now, if you are a person who believes in coincidences (I do not), that's fine, but here's what I believe: that to get my attention and help me out in a most unusual way, God cared enough to send a cardinal across south 14th street in Pekin today. I feel very honored and loved.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Emotions - yuk!

Lately my emotions have been very close to the surface for some reason - actually, I don't know if the reason even matters. Maybe it's my age, maybe it's my hormones, maybe it's my circumstances - who knows. All I know is it's happening - and I don't like it. It makes me feel vulnerable and alone and kind of scattered and discombobbled - kind of overwhelmed. And it's rather hard to sort it all out - what is my issue, what is someone else's issue, when to say something, when to just be quiet, when to correct something someone else misunderstood, when to leave it alone - and on and on and on. I've been kind of swimming in that sea of feelings and confusion lately, and well, to be perfectly honest, it ain't a fun place to dwell. I don't wish to reside there anymore. Anyway, as if real life isn't challenging enough with all it's relationships and their adjoining issues, here comes Facebook. Isn't this fun? We can all see each other's pictures and know what everyone else is doing and thinking at any given moment of the day. And one by one people ask to be my "friend" and that makes me feel good that they thought of me, and then - WHAM! someone "de-friends" me! What the heck is that all about? I don't even get a notice telling me I've become unworthy to be a "friend" to this person? One of my children had to tell me I'd been "de-friended" - I didn't even know, I'm so challenged. Now, I'd like to think that on a "normal" day, i.e. when my emotions weren't in charge, I would have said, "oh - sounds like that girl has some issues" (since I was only one of quite a few "de-friends" she laid out recently) - but not today - OH NO! I feel rejected, not liked, upset, and de-valued. And, what about my other friends that were her friends, too, but she didn't de-friend them? Shouldn't I expect them to de-friend her and remain loyal to me? Crazy, eh? But when something so descriptive as "de-friended" hangs behind your name, you kinda feel a little defective. Maybe not everyday, but today. Hopefully just for today, this bothers me.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Earth Day!

Tomorrow is a day set aside to honor the planet we live on. I don't know exactly what all is going on in celebration tomorrow, but I do know there is a drum circle and graffiti painting going on in the Murray Arts Building parking lot at 5:00. I wish I could go, but I have to work. I look forward to hearing all about it from those of you who get to go! As for the rest of us, take a moment tomorrow and look around you at the beautiful planet that God has given us to reside on. We take it so for granted. So, if even just for tomorrow, be thankful for the place you have to live on and the beauty of all that grows here.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Yay! I am sooo excited because I love company and I have heard from two old friends recently who are tentatively planning trips to Illinois to visit this summer! As you'll remember, I also got to catch up with two other old friends this past month, so it'll be a real treat to catch up with some others of a different "era" of my past. The first picture is our friend Cheyanne and her almost one year old baby. Many of you will remember her from her time staying with us - generally over Christmases and spring breaks and some summers. Now she has a little one we can love on, too. The next picture is of my friend Patti from Colorado. I met Patti at massage school and we had alot of fun there together. You may recall her sister's picture in my blog a few times ago - she has ms and was featured on the billboard in NYC drawing attention to the disease. It makes the summer seem oh, so much funner, when you get to see people and places you don't ordinarily get to see. I'm very excited!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Around the big drum

Last friday night we had such a fun time drumming. Karen has obtained an old marching band bass drum (with only one head, so perfect as a floor drum) and our uncle put feet on it. So we sat around it for awhile at the end of our time and drummed together - the vibration of that big drum was amazing! It was really fun to feel like we were really producing one joint sound. Hmmmm. Doesn't take much to amuse me, does it? Unfortunately, I didn't think to take a picture, so I'll have to coerce Karen into taking one to post. If you've never participated in a group musical event, you really should consider joining us sometime - it's a great adventure.

Friday, April 9, 2010

God is Faithful!

These are old pictures, but here is our friend, Rowena. She lived with us for a few years awhile back. Rowena has some challenges, and ultimately went back to live on the reservation with her parents. We don't know any details, but unbeknowns to us, she disappeared about 6 weeks ago. We finally found out yesterday in the wee hours of the morning. We began to pray and ask God to watch over her and we contacted lots of people that we know who would do the same. We got word last night that the FBI had just found Ro at a shelter in a town about an hour and a half off the reservation. We don't know yet how she got there or what happened - her family had just been notified and they were going up to get her. They had posted flyers everywhere, so we think when she went to the shelter, someone recognized her from a flyer and notified the authorities. God is so faithful - I believe He is extra kind to those like Ro, who have extra difficulties. And I believe it's no coincidence that after we began to pray, Ro was found. Thank you all for your support.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Oh my!

To quote my sister-in-law, Vicky, pictured above, "ai-yi-yi"! Today while paying for my groceries, I dropped my wallet and every single little parcel of paper fell out of it onto the floor. The guy behind me in line said, "oh, it looks like you're having the same kind of day I've had". However, no one, not one single person offered to help me as I dropped my chunky frame to the floor and picked it all up. The cashier did say, "did you get everything off the floor?", but other than that, everyone was just slightly annoyed that I was taking extra time. Hmm. I thought. What would I have done? I would like to think that I would have at least offered to assist someone in that position. It wasn't a big deal, as there was nothing of real importance in there (I'd already given the lady all my cash for the groceries!). It just made me start thinking again of how things have changed and how most of us are so "unaware" of the plight of our neighbors, so to speak. We are a very "unconnected" society these days. Lost is the notion that what we do and say (or don't do and say) affects others around us. Here's hoping my deeds and words affect those around me in a positive manner.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter egg hunt!

Yep, we did it! Tanner and Barry and Josh hid over 100 plastic eggs full of all kinds of goodies in my mom's backyard and these children delighted in finding them. It was so fun to watch how each kid tackled the task at hand. They were so thrilled with coins, plastic "diamond jewels", and candy. We kind of lost count, but we think they found them all - and with no arguing or scuffling at all! They did a great job.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

We're Home!

Mom's surgery last Thursday went well, she got to come home Friday and we've had a busy weekend recuperating! We had a great lunch today and a fun Easter egg hunt with the kids. Happy Easter to all of you!