A few days ago I was commenting to one of my friends about how absolutely gorgeous a certain tree was this year. It was a really, really deep red color - so fabulous. He said yes it was nice, but didn't seem real impressed. But you know me - I went on and on and on and on and on about this tree. I couldn't believe how pretty the color was and that spurred into how wonderful this fall had been, yada, yada, yada. Fast forward to yesterday when I saw another tree, this time in our neighborhood, that also had fabulous coloring - I could barely take my eyes off it, it was so pretty. So after a few minutes of driving, I arrived at work and, yep, you've probably already guessed, when I went inside it was pitch dark - I was wearing these -

Now, the trees are very pretty this year - the colors are a welcome change and beautiful to behold. But what I saw was over the top - with a little help from my friend, my sunglasses! So now my new thought?? It's all in how you look at things. When things are tough, stressful, whatever - my new mantra is "just put on your sunglasses, Deb, and change how you see things!"