Well, since we last conversed there's been presents, ham, pies, potatoes, egg rolls (in various forms), caramels, corn flake candy, sausage bread, more presents, Christmas crackers, game playing, on and on and on! What a wonderful Christmas weekend we have had! The most important thing of all, of course, is the people you share this all with. When my children were young, they had no choice but to be with me - lol! Now that they are grown and still choose to spend time with me over the holidays means more than any presents (although I received WONDERFUL presents). You'll be especially happy to know, as my blog readers, that I was given a new camera; so hopefully, the quality of pictures you are forced to view here will improve (as I learn how to use it, of course!). I hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas as well. Here's a few pictures (in no timely order - sorry!) to kinda let you in on some of the activities - more info and pics to come, as I have to tell you about the egg roll experiment and some other nuggets of info!
New stockings - rather random!