This picture is of my youngest son, Tanner - Tan man, we call him. This entry isn't really about him, but today is his 23rd birthday, and it was because of that event I began to think about attitudes once again. I went to a certain store yesterday to purchase one of the things on Tan man's birthday/Christmas list. I, of course, know nothing about the item I'm purchasing, so I have it written down on my little paper, word for word, so that I can just accost a sales person immediately and make them lead me to it. Add to that, of course, as usual, I'm in a hurry. I pull into the parking lot (which, by the way is not real large), to find that almost all of the parking spots are taken. There are a few way far away from the door, or 2 on either side of a van. I can't pull into either of these 2 spots, though, because this is the scene there. There is a younger couple outside the van with screaming children in the van, ALL the doors are open and extending into the parking places on either side of them, while the couple is cleaning what appears to be a million old McDonald's sacks and cups out of the van, all the while complaining because they can't find a garbage can outside the store to deposit their garbage in. Are you kidding me? Close your doors, shut your mouth, hush your children, and take your garbage home, you're taking up 3 spots - that's what I really honestly wanted to say. But instead I parked in one of those farther away spots, muttering to myself about rude people and went in the store. Now, I find, I get to stand in line for awhile waiting for the next available sales person. So by this time, I have to admit, my attitude wasn't probably as pristeen as it could have been. However, what happened next will amaze you, as my attitude was completely chased out of my head and replaced with one of laughter. The sales clerk was a younger man and as I pulled out my handy dandy list and began to read word for word, letter by letter what I needed, he kinda grinned. I said, "I hope you know what that is". He replied that he did and disappeared into the back room and brought me out a box. What he said next changed my outlook for the whole rest of my day and obviously still today, as I'm smiling still while I'm writing this. He said something to the effect that my secret was safe with him. I was obviously confused as I gave him the "huh?" look and he said - I know you really play this game in secret and don't want anyone to know - to which we both started laughing at the ridiculous prospect. (oops - hope Tan man's not reading this!). Anyway, he was making a funny and it was just so refreshing. As I walked out the door, he hollered at me - "you have a good time with that now" and I laughed all the way to my car, having totally forgotten about the "van people". Anyway, the whole point to this story is twofold - #1 - I am so thankful that he helped pull me out of the funk I had let the "van people" put me in and #2 - I want to be more aware of the fact that of all the people I see everyday, some of them could have just encountered something like the "van people" and I could help re-birth their attitude to a more fun and positive one with just a quick little joke like the sales clerk did for me. I hope that boy has a Merry Christmas, as he reaps the benefits of the positive seeds of fun and laughter he sowed with me yesterday.
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