
Ok - sorry the pics aren't so great, but that updated technology is another whole story! This story is about my phone. What do you do with a phone, and why do I need a different one? Well, if you look at the pics above, you'll see that the first one is my old, tried and true, had forever, dropped in the driveway, slid under the car, would hardly charge, the battery's always dead phone that I could make and receive calls and sometimes read text messages (if they arrived). The second picture is what my kids got me for Christmas (we just now went to get it today - they INSISTED!). Anyway, they combined it with my birthday and got me a car charger and a blue tooth also. I'm overwhelmed, confused, and trying to update my thinking to now realize that this new phone is my new, confusing, fancy, does texts, takes pictures, has a gps, gets on the internet phone gadget. I used to be sooooo adept at new things, but this is taking a bit - I'm reading the book (something I never used to have to do) and getting acclamated to this. But don't be too quick to call me - I'm still not exactly sure how to answer! Thanks kids - I love you all!
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