Last weekend, after deciding that there has to be more to life than working and cleaning and cooking, my friend and I took a couple of short jewelry making classes, where we made the above pictured necklace and earrings. May I just say, first of all, that they aren't kidding when they say the eyes are one of the first things to go! When did those pieces become so small? Oh my! We plan to practice some and then take a longer class the end of the month that will teach us to "wire wrap" pendants or stones for our own necklaces. I thought they might make nice gifts, but after my first two attempts, I'm going to advise you not to hold your breath for a handmade necklace from me. But it was fun to exercise my brain a little and try to be a little creative. We'll see where it goes. Sometimes I think we just have to try something new to keep everyday life a little interesting.
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