Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's Coming!

Sorry for the lapse of time since my last post. It's getting crazy and crazier around here - at least in the world where I live! Thanksgiving, Christmas decorating, wedding showers, wedding planning and meetings and handiwork to prepare, Christmas shopping, November and December birthdays - I could go on and on, but what would be the point - you all have the same experiences happening, so you know the truth - our world now moves too fast - at a pace our bodies were not designed to embrace. It saddens me greatly because I find that most of us don't take the time we need for our own health - emotional and physical. We don't take care of our bodies, and we don't pay attention to our spiritual needs, and we don't take the time to fraternize with others for our emotional health. Enough said - you know who you are - pay attention to what your body (and your emotions) are whispering to you this holiday season. On to the fun of the season! I LOVE absolutely ADORE simply cannot wait for the holidays! They are my most favorite time of the year. It's not long enough! I can't take it all in or get enough of it! In fact, I've posted a couple of older "holiday" pictures, just to remind you of what's to come! The holiday movies, the dinners, the shopping for just the exact present you know someone will love! The crisp air - the surprise of it all! And the lights! Oh my goodness - I am CAPTIVATED by the lights! They twinkle, they sparkle, the blink on and off! It's an amazing sight to behold! And yet, when you set aside all of that, it is also the most holy, reverent and humbling time of the year. Oh, I know - who knows when Christ was really born - but this is the time we set aside each year to honor that He was born - it's rather irrelevant, I think, to argue about the exact date. The important thing to remember is that He came. And none of us will ever be the same.

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