Here's a few snapshots of some of the partying that went on this last weekend. My kids and I, as most of you already know, get together the Saturday after Christmas, so our get together is yet to happen. I am REALLY looking forward to that. For now, here's a few glimpses of this past weekend. We have Karen with her "desktop drum set", dessert eating, the kids in their hands Mal crocheted for them, etc. Hope you all had a very merry Christmas!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Change your perspective!
Tonight I got together with a couple of friends to have dinner and exchange our Christmas gifts. Of course, you know me by now - I LOVE to analyze, over-analyze, and then analyze again the things that occur. Well, yesterday and today were particularly long days at work for me, plus I've got some sinusy thing happening and, well, anyway, suffice it to say, it's been a couple long days with no relief in sight - I'm way behind. Ok, so I get ready to leave my friend's house because I still have to go to get some groceries for tomorrow night and Saturday (I picked Wally World because they're open 24 hours - just shoot me if I do that again - I still have to go to a grocery store tomorrow because they were out of soooooo many things), and I can't find my gloves. Now these are 99 cent gloves I just bought and are special to me because they each have a penguin on them. 99 cents. But they are special to me. I typically roll up my scarf, roll my gloves together and shove both pieces in my coat sleeve. The three of us looked literally EVERYWHERE! We searched our bags, the floor, my purse, the bathroom, behind the couch - you name it, we looked there. My friend even felt so bad for me (I did whine) that she gave me a pair she'd bought that hadn't been worn yet - but it wasn't the same. (no penguins). Finally, I sat down and my other friend got on the floor - we tried to look around at a different level - and lo and behold, I glanced over by the wall, and there, rolled up in a ball, underneath a plant, where I feel relatively sure they would NEVER have been found, lay my gloves. The moral of all this detail and subsequent analyzing? When you can't figure it out, change your perspective.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
It's All Things Penguin!
It's All Things Penguin! Most people who know me, know that I LOVE penguins! They're soooo cute and fun! This Christmas season, several of my clients have given me new penguin memorabilia such as the candy jar, memo pad and ornaments pictured here. Do you have something you love to collect? It's kind of a fun thing to do - your eyes are always looking everywhere, just to see if you can catch a glimpse of a new item to add to your collection! A big thanks to all of you who have contributed to my collection over the years!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Pay it Forward!
Pay it forward has been a concept that I've been hearing about for about 10 years - at least in those specific terms - well, I guess since I saw the movie by the same name. I always try to live my life in a way that is comfortable to me - you know, agrees with my insides about how I should do things, so I always try to be helpful when I can anyway, without much thought of receiving back (usually!). My problem seems to be that I always feel like I don't have much money or much to give - but the point is that even little kindnesses go a long way. Anyway the other day one of the hairdressers where I have my shop drove through Starbucks and, sure enough, when she got to the window to pay, the guy ahead of her had paid for her coffee. That had happened to her once before but, without her even noticing, the guy ahead of her was her dad, so that doesn't really count - ha! But this time it was just a random guy who paid for the car behind him and said "Merry Christmas". This is the last week before we come to the day that we have set aside to celebrate the birth of the One who gave it all. This week let's try an experiment and see how many "little kindnesses" we can do for others as we hustle and bustle around finishing up all our last minute things for our own celebrations - I feel very confident that we will be blessed even more than the ones who receive our kindnesses, as we step outside of ourselves and our happenings, and share with others.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
How do you define success and categorize someone as successful? Is it by how much money you acquire? By the kind of car you drive or price of the clothes you wear? By the size of the house you live in or the town or subdivision your house sits in? Is it determined by whether you rent or purchase your dwelling place or how it's decorated? Or is it characterized by how kind you are, how much you give away to others? I know there are causes to feel successful in smaller steps along the way; i.e., we were successful in our quest to make my brother's 50th birthday special. But I'm talking about that overall, general assertation of one's status, and, ultimately, how a person feels about whether they are successful or not. Some time ago I heard a person say that we can judge whether we are successful or not by looking at how effective we have been at "passing on" to the next generation our values, morals, etc. The things that are passionate in our lives - have we been able to communicate and instill those same passions to our next generation. Wow. That kinda puts a whole new perspective on the word, doesn't it? When I evaluate the things in my life that are truly, grassroots important to me, hands down what I believe life is really all about - have I made it obvious that those things are important to me, lived my life that way, and thus passed those thoughts and ideas on to those in the next generation that I have relationship with? Interesting food for thought. In our efforts, for example, to make the next generation more comfortable, have we led them to believe, by our example, that the making of the money is the goal or the job is the most important thing? Have we inadvertently communicated by our actions that Christmas is all about who can save all year (or pay off credit cards all next year) for the distinction of purchasing the best gifts for everyone, instead of the motivation behind those gifts - that we love and cherish our families and friends and wanted to "gift" them because of that love? It would be interesting to inquire of our next generation (and the next because our grandparents have quite an influence on us also) what things they have picked up as important from the way we've lived our lives. My children are grown and I have no grandchildren yet, but I believe I still have time to give them the benefit of the knowledge and wisdom I have acquired in my 51 years - they might not just blindly believe it like they did when they were younger, but if I live my life exemplifying the things I believe with all my heart, surely they will take notice and learn how life works. Be aware today of what message your actions might be sending to those who know you - are you making it obvious what's important to you by the way you live? Today I'm going to try to pay attention.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Jim's Surprised!
There were table decorations.
There were cigars from the Dominican Republic for his collection
(I don't know why those are different from any others?)
As I sit here all snug (still in my pj's mind you) safe and warm from the howling wind outside, I am taking a few minutes out of my baking, decorating, stay in sort of day, to give you a glimpse of my brother's surprise gathering yesterday. Now my brother Jim will be 50 this week, so you know I couldn't just let that slide by without notice. I did, after all, once be mean to someone, just on Jim's behalf - I think I might have even hit them (my memory's not good) because they weren't being nice to him - I like to say I "once killed so he could live" just to be dramatic. Anyway, I digress. So in keeping with what Jim enjoys most, we just invited a few family members and friends up to a little restaurant in Tremont and had snacks and cake. He probably knew something was up, but was gracious enough to act surprised for us! I have been sending him a card everyday - 2 of them are apparently being held hostage by the United States postal service, however, and never did arrive. Some of them sing - some of them play music - some of them have little treats in them - I LOVE cards! Anyway, here's a few pics to give you a little peak into Jim's surprise yesterday. Hope you enjoy. His birthday is actually Tuesday the 14th, so send him a card or a text or whatever - 50 only comes around once, you know!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Christmas Party!
Tonight we had a Christmas party. There was eating, laughing, drumming, shaking, opening of presents, and then we travelled over a few streets to that house where they have a kazillion lights synchronized to music. Fabulous! Thanks, girls, for all the fun and laughs, and for always having my back - even when I'm unaware of my need!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Change - it can't be stopped!
Change - you already know how I tend to feel about it - I don't like it. In my head I'm fine with it, but when it happens I react inside in a way that allows me to realize that, really, hands down, I don't like it. I'd like to think I'm open minded and laid back and a "go with the flow" kinda girl, but as I get older, well I just ain't! Change is happening all over the place around me. My family did not observe our traditional Thanksgiving get together and things are definitely changing all the way around for Christmas this year. But the weirdest change of all that I am experiencing is that I am cold. Yes cold. I have always been a person who's the warmest in the group - my cheeks are red an flushed when everyone else is just comfortable. Someone told me this would happen as I got older, but I honestly didn't believe her. I thought she was being funny - I thought she was kidding - I thought she was lying. She was right. Tonight as I sit here typing this I am literally freezing. My thermostat is set several degrees higher than it's ever been before. I am wearing jeans and a t-shirt and a sweatshirt. I am so sorry to all of you who have always been cold when I was hot. It's miserable. What's my hope? Soon I'll change back!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Cookie Day!
Saturday was our annual "Cookie Day". Now I know lots of families and friends have some sort of a day set aside to honor cookies, but we do ours just a little differently, I think, than most. We actually make our cookies together, then we "exchange". It's alot of mess and fun! We take a break and have lunch together, we laugh, we eat cookies - it's memorable. This year, due to weather and other commitments, there were only about 7 of us, but we had a great time. Thanks, guys, for bringing all that cheer and yumminess to my home. It was extra fun because it was Tan man's 24th birthday, so my brothers and Tanner and Patrick all joined us for lunch, too and some "taste testing". Here's a few pictures for you to catch a glimpse - sorry, I usually had some "gooeyness" on my hands, so I couldn't man the camera. Plus, at times, chaos prevails, as we all try to get our creations made at the same time - there's just something special about working together to accomplish something - it's fun and rewarding!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tan man!
Yesterday my littlest guy, Tanner, celebrated his birthday. He turned 24! I can hardly believe it. He is such a wonderful young man with lots of great qualities. He's way smarter than I am, just for an example. Anyway, he hung around cookie day with us, then we all went to watch my niece's band play in Peoria - at this juncture, since I am old and there were still dishes to do from cookie day, I went home, but lots of people went on out and treated Tanner to a great time on his birthday. I am very proud of the person Tanner has grown up to be and would be honored to be counted among the people he calls friends. Here's a picture of him just after he turned 6 (sorry my scanner won't work with my newer printer, so quality's not so great) - then here's one from yesterday! I love ya, Tan man!
Friday, December 3, 2010
I'm behind!
Oh my! Time is flying by and each day I make a list of all I have to do and I TRY to accomplish each and every item because the next day will be another list and if I don't get all my first list done, I have to add those undone items to the next list, making it longer and enhancing the real possibility that I won't get that list done, which will make the next day's list longer - well, you get the idea! Normally I have all my decorating done, some of my baking done, more of my shopping done - this year is different! We also have a couple of family birthdays this month (Tanner & my brother Jim) and one of them (I won't throw Jim under the bus!) is a HUGE one! ha! I know I'm not alone in all the busyness of this time of year, but let me just encourage you (as I am myself) to take a little time out each day (or each week if that's all you can) and do nothing. Just sit - don't plan, don't organize, don't watch tv - nothing. Just let your mind and your body rest - even if just for a brief moment. You'll find that those little times of "re-booting" will make the rest of your life go easier! Have a nice weekend - and bundle up - I hear we could get our first batch of snow tonight!
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