Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jim's Surprised!

There were table decorations.

There was two kinds of cake.

Jim was surprised (or at least he was kind enough to act like it!)

He got to wear special "headgear" in honor of his 50th!

There were cigars from the Dominican Republic for his collection
(I don't know why those are different from any others?)

There was a whole lot of fire on that cake!

But he blew them all out! (We didn't have 50 on by the way!)

There were wonderful snacky foods.

There were laughs.

There were presents.

There was family.

There were friends.

There were more laughs.

There was love.

Above all, I think Jim had fun and knew he was loved by all - that's what mattered!

As I sit here all snug (still in my pj's mind you) safe and warm from the howling wind outside, I am taking a few minutes out of my baking, decorating, stay in sort of day, to give you a glimpse of my brother's surprise gathering yesterday. Now my brother Jim will be 50 this week, so you know I couldn't just let that slide by without notice. I did, after all, once be mean to someone, just on Jim's behalf - I think I might have even hit them (my memory's not good) because they weren't being nice to him - I like to say I "once killed so he could live" just to be dramatic. Anyway, I digress. So in keeping with what Jim enjoys most, we just invited a few family members and friends up to a little restaurant in Tremont and had snacks and cake. He probably knew something was up, but was gracious enough to act surprised for us! I have been sending him a card everyday - 2 of them are apparently being held hostage by the United States postal service, however, and never did arrive. Some of them sing - some of them play music - some of them have little treats in them - I LOVE cards! Anyway, here's a few pics to give you a little peak into Jim's surprise yesterday. Hope you enjoy. His birthday is actually Tuesday the 14th, so send him a card or a text or whatever - 50 only comes around once, you know!

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