Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Day!

Well, I hate (really love) to say it, but it's 1:00 on Tuesday afternoon and I'm still in my pj's. Everyone cancelled their appointments today (I don't blame them) and so I get to stay in. Of course, the flip side of that unexpected blessing is that I don't make any money today and that's not good - but let's not concentrate on that! Here's a couple of views earlier this a.m. out my sliding glass doors off the dining room. Pockets (Mal's dog) is so beautiful in the snow (he's a husky mix), so I was trying to quickly snap a picture of him as he came inside, but he was in too much of a hurry. I would have coerced him into staying outside a minute longer, but last Friday night someone moved into the previously (for at least the almost two years we've lived here) empty house next door and, yep, you guessed it - they have a dog! The keep it outside and this is causing quite a stir for old Pockets. Anyway, you can see most of him in this picture. I have sooo much stuff to do here at home, but since this was an unplanned day at home, I almost feel like I should do something "out of the ordinary" - not clean or pick up or pack away the last remains of Christmas - but bake, or re-arrange kitchen cupboards (did that this a.m.), or make jewelry, or watch an old movie. You know - the things you really never have or make time to do. I also have plenty of wedding things to tend to. Well, I don't know what you're doing today, but try to enjoy some "unplanned relax time" for yourself - look out your window at all the beauty, stay out of it if you can, and do something a little different than usual. Remember, life is short, we have to grab all the opportunities we can. Enjoy!

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