It appears I am going to be extremely busy and away from my computer tomorrow, so I wanted to go ahead and write this post today. I didn't want to skip it. I have already started making (actually started in November) some plans for change in the new year for my life. I've learned some invaluable lessons this past year (and the years before that) and hope to be able to put some of them to good use in 2013. One thing that I have learned I would like to share with all of you. If it resonates with you, grab it and go. If it doesn't resonate with you, please put it on your back shelf and take it out and re-evaluate it once in awhile. Maybe someday it will seem worthwhile to you.
When I was in massage school, our instructor said one day, "be aware that people's bodies will believe whatever their mind tells them". Ok. I had no clue what he meant, kinda chalked it up to the fact that I was in California and you know what kind of "woo-woo" is considered acceptable there (sorry to my friends who reside there-no disrespect intended but you have to admit, it's a little different than the corn fields of Illinois!). Now, some 9 years later, I understand exactly what he meant. And I have two stories to share with you that are true, and exemplify what he meant. Whatever you really, truly, deep in your subconscious heart of hearts believe to be true, is truth to you, and therefore, your body and your emotions will work to accomplish what you've told them is true. Alot of this goes on beneath the surface - we sometimes don't even realize it's happening. So take time to examine, as best you can, at the entry to this new year, what you really believe, and what you want to have be truth for your body, your emotions, and your life. "Change your thinking, change your life". Here's to a prosperous, healthy new year! And now, my two true stories. I hope they challenge your thinking, as they have mine. I will, of course, paraphrase because I can be quite a long and detailed storyteller and I don't want you to get bored. I'll try to keep it in check, and only give you the pertinent details. Ponder.
There was a man who worked at the railroad. At the end of a particular day, he was accidentally locked in one of the refrigeration cars. All the other staff had left for the day to attend a party for one of the other workers, so this man found himself alone and unable to escape this railroad car. He found a scrap piece of paper and wrote some periodic notes for his family, saying things like, it's getting colder in here, I'm starting to freeze, I know I'll be frozen to death by morning. True to his beliefs, he was found dead the next morning in the railroad car. An autopsy was performed and it was confirmed that the man had frozen to death. Only problem was, the refrigeration unit in the car was broken, and it never got cold enough to freeze in the car that night. His body froze to death because he told it to.
A 40 year old woman was undergoing heart surgery. As I guess is customary in heart surgeries, the surgeon clamped off her artery and a machine made her heart "pump" while the surgeon was doing his work. Apparently when the surgery is done, the warm blood returning to the heart after the clamp is removed is usually enough to start the heart pumping again - if it doesn't, there are drugs that can be injected into the heart to cause it to start pumping again. This particular woman's heart did not automatically start pumping, so the surgeon administered the med. Still nothing, he tried another med. Still nothing. After he had tried all the meds he knew of, he leaned over the woman's body and said very gently in her ear, Mary, it's your doctor. I've done all I can-the surgery's done and the repairs are made. Now I need you to tell your heart to start beating again. By this time the surgeon was quite unsettled and just stepped back from the operating table a moment to re-group when he heard the monitor make the steady, familiar sound of her heart beating. Her heart started beating again because she told it to.
What will you tell your body is true in 2013?