Sunday, December 9, 2012

Christmas Party!

Last night some of my friends and I held our annual, traditional Christmas get together. Annual in that we do it every year at this time. Traditional in that we drove to look at the Kibler's house in Bloomington (or is it Normal? I always get that confused) where all those kazillions of lights on their house blink and change in time with music that you tune into on your car radio. (To learn more about them go to We always enjoy seeing the show - it is a little different each year - and, of course, it's fun to see how our fellow humans act in such situations from shining their bright lights in your face, to leaving their car like they're in a drive-in movie theatre and standing in front of everyone's view - lol! This year we also drove past what appeared to be the tackiest holiday display ever. I couldn't begin to count the plastic stand up Santas and snowmen and penguins - all standing shoulder to shoulder (literally) inside a fenced in yard. It gave the appearance that all these figures were confined in a prison yard and was actually rather creepy. questions the thinking behind that one. Traditional in that we  pulled some English crackers, then wore our crowns for the evening's festivities. Traditional in that we enjoyed a great meal together and opened the presents we brought for each other. It's especially fun as we realize again that over the years we have come to know each other so well, and that is reflected most obviously in our gift choices for one another.

Here's a few pictures to document lest you think I conjured the whole event up in my head!





Creepy house - look! They're even on the roof!

I think they want out! How do they all plug in?

Judy wearing her crown and Tracey getting ready to pull a cracker!

Tracey seeing what was in hers!

Marilea and Susan preparing to pull!

Marilea and Susan pulling!

Karen modeling her crown!

Tracey modeling her crown!

Marilea in her crown, opening a gift!

Judy Green squealing with excitement at her Illinois Wesleyan shirt!

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