Last weekend was the annual Tremont Turkey Festival. As most of you know, I was born and raised in Tremont, raised my children there, and currently a portion of my grandchildren live there. I love small town life. The festival was always a huge deal when I was growing up and holds many fond memories for me. Aside from all the benefits to the community financially, it's just a very nice, family friendly weekend. These days I participate in the festival by renting a booth in the handmade crafts section to sell the stone jewelry I make as a hobby. My cousin, Karen, is gracious enough to help me on this endeavor and we really do have alot of fun and laughs. This year the weather was fabulous, and since our spot is under a tree (I don't have a tent), we weren't really even in the sun that much. We're actually almost exactly on the corner of all the happenings! I don't have time to snap many pictures during the weekend, but here's a few to let you in on some of the fun. Of course, it would be indiscreet to take pictures of all the things seen (and now not able to be "unseen" by our eyes) that a festival seems to naturally bring out. Suffice it to say there were old people, young people, scantily clad people, people dressed in all (and I do mean all) types of clothing, etc., etc. Of course, we can also see the bed races, the end of the 5k, and hear the music from our vantage point. Several of our friends and family came by to visit us and that always adds to the fun and excitement of the yearly festival - seeing people from our high school who come back in town for the festival, as well as others we rarely get to see. Do I make much money? Ahhh - a little; but net profit after the rental fee, the new displays I bought (since the show at Derby Days was so windy some of mine fell off the table and broke), the tie dye clothing I purchased for my grandkids from another craft vendor, the purchase and consumption of several turkey sandwiches, strawberry shortcakes, beans, chips, etc.....well you get the idea. Any money made is just a sideline plus, but it helps maintain my weekend. In a nutshell, I would say our view from the corner was priceless.

Here's Karen with the "Wolf" from 104.9 fm radio.
Here's my niece, Emma, with her turkey facepaint.
Here's my niece, Maria, with her rainbow/heart facepaint. When I asked her about her brothers, she reminded me that there really isn't anything boys would want painted on their faces.
Here's Regina and Karen wearing the beautiful halo type headpieces I bought and made them wear. They were really happy about that - lol! And just for the record, I bought one for myself and wore it too - in fact, I wore it until I was driving home and almost got whiplash when I turned to look out my side window!