Isn't it interesting, how we (I would speak just for myself, but I believe I am not alone in this scenario) are only knowledgeable in the areas of things that affect us personally? I like to think I am open minded, well versed, decently read and informed, yet I realize now that I really only am knowledgeable about the things that I've experienced personally or that interest me - I have rarely taken the initiative to find out about other things if they don't effect me. (Remember I don't know whether to say "effect" or "affect", so notice I've used both spellings so far to be fair - lol!) Case in point (and the point of this posting, of course) is cystic fibrosis. I want to be completely honest and tell you that I was so uninformed about this disease that I seriously thought it belonged in the family of diseases I call the "Jerry Lewis diseases". I knew nothing of its causes, nothing of its symptoms, until my grandson was born with it. Now, I wouldn't say I'm anywhere near an expert on the subject currently (partly because that would be too hard on me), but I can say with confidence that I know much more about cystic fibrosis now than I did 15 months ago. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we all expanded our borders of thinking to include more information? I'm not just encouraging you to gain more knowledge so your head gets bigger - quite the contrary. I believe the more informed we are, the more compassion we will feel for those afflicted with diseases such as cf, the more we will feel gratitude that we are NOT afflicted with said diseases, and the more compelled we will be to reach out and help others. I am encouraging each and every one you - especially those of you who have been blessed with healthy children - donate - donate your time, your money, participate in fundraisers, help raise awareness - buy one of those rubbery bracelets and wear, just so people ask you about it - whatever it takes! Not just for cf (although, at the end of this post, you KNOW I'm going to tell you how you can help there specifically - lol!), but for those afflicted with diseases, poverty, depression, sicknesses. It's up to us, I believe, to help one another out.
Our 2nd annual Spencer Thies Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser will be held this year on June 29th at the Meadows Tap in East Peoria. It is a day long event featuring tons of musicians from the area. There will be a bake sale, a silent auction, and at alternate times, a 5k run and a fundraising dinner. This is, of course, a cause right next to and on top of my heart because of my beloved Spencer. Any of you who would like to donate baked goods for the bake sale or any items for the silent auction, please let me know. Here's a recent picture of Spencer eating a donut for breakfast.
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