Hospital Visit

Mallory, Brittany, and I spent last evening at the St. Francis emergency room. A nice, quiet room with nice nurses and workers; however, the reason we were there was, of course, not so nice. Poor Mal has been sick for a few days and had finally reached the point of letting us make her go in to the ER (apparently there's all kinds of initials for different words - "hospital lingo" I found out! ER is short for emergency room). She has pyelonephritis - a severe infection of the kidney is the way I understand it. But at first they thought she might have a stone, etc., so they did bloodwork and testing and a cat scan (CT scan I think is the hospital lingo for that one!). Anyway she got to come home but not before we took a long walk down to the pharmacy to purchase meds for her and this was the way she travelled - Britt pushed her in this funky looking modern wheelchair thingy. Aren't they so good natured to let me take their picture at 11:30 or so at night at the hospital? If an evening spent at the hospital could be fun, it was - these girls are a hoot and I love em to death. Oh - p.s. mpo means nothing by mouth - figure that one out?????
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