Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Yesterday I got a speeding ticket. Arghhhhh! I was going 57 mph. Pretty good, eh? Especially since I thought the speed limit on that road was 55. However, come to find out, it's not - it's 45 mph. The policeman was very nice and polite, and, in my estimation, once he found out my mistake, could have given me a warning - but he didn't. Nope, he gave me a full blown, $75 ticket. Now, I realize that I was speeding, but to me it was a lesser offense because I was under the assumption of a false truth - that the speed limit was higher than it is (who makes a 5 lane road with no houses on it 45 mph?). Then my next thinking pattern was that I didn't deserve this speeding ticket because I try to be nice to everyone and do nice things, so nice things (like receiving a warning instead of a ticket) should come back to me. Why, that very day one of my clients had accidentally given me an extra $20 stuck in with her payment and I ran her down in the parking lot and gave it back to her. The whole reason I was on this road yesterday was because I was giving someone a ride who needed one. I could go on and on, telling you of all my wonderful deeds, (ha!) but I'm sure you get the point. The bottom line is that both my ways of thinking were incorrect. I was speeding - like it or not, the ticket is my consequence to my wrong behavior. I do still believe in the principle of reaping what you've sown - that apparently just doesn't mean you get out of your consequences.


  1. illinois cops are the toughest. i remember getting some tickets when i lived in chicago. once, a cop pulled me over, came up to my window, and put up his hand and said, don't say anything. don't talk. don't cry. you're getting a ticket. brutal.

  2. If you got that ticket on S. 14th I am not surprised. They wait for you there. It cost husband $75 to let his mind wonder on that street last week.
