Drum circle girls at Conklin Dinner Theatre. Great food, laughs, and a good play.

Judy Green, me and Tracey at Conklin - we sat on the other side of the table. So we could talk - nah, so we could hand each other the food we needed!
Cake and cupcakes at Barry and Britt's new house - notice the 5 candles on one side and the 2 on the other side - clever, eh?
Oops! Tanner laughs and blows one out ahead of me!
Patrick, being the good and wise fiance', ate one of the cupcakes Mal made - unfortunately, he chose one with black frosting!
Here's Emma and her happy meal toy!
It's so funny - I hear myself saying things my grandmother and mother have said for years - and to be honest, of course, I didn't get it back then. I just kinda chuckled and listened, but now I know what they meant. I don't feel older - in fact when you speak of people in their 50's I think of my mom and my aunts - but they're in their 70's now and I'm in my 50's - how did that happen so fast? Oh, I've noticed some changes, of course, but I don't think like I'm 50. It's just very weird to me how that all happens. Well, yesterday, it did happen to me again, and here's a few pictures of the fun I had during my birthday week. Drumming circle girls took my to Conklin, the kids had me over for desserts and pool, my family had a party at McDonald's for all us February birthdays, and lots of people sent me well wishes via mail, e-mail, and facebook. I am, indeed, blessed with many friends and neighbors in my life. Here's a few pictures to let you "live the moments" with me. Enjoy!
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