Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Today I had to run into town from work to go to the bank and get some gas in my car. So, I decided to run through the bank drive through first, then down the street and into the gas station the back way - wrong. A big truck was blocking the back entrance to the gas station, so I headed to Route 9 to go out and around and go into the gas station from the front when I realized all traffic - cars, huge semis, trucks - was stopped on Route 9 going one way and everyone was going very slowly the other way on Route 9. I finally figured out (I'm not very observant) it was a funeral procession. (What was my clue - the flashers or the flags?) It was a very long procession and I was so moved by all the trucks and everyone stopped in the other lane. I think it used to be a law you had to stop, but apparently now it's not. I think it's a very nice way to show your respect for a mourning family. I remember one of the last funeral processions I was in and nobody stopped for us - we got separated from the line, people cut into our line, none of the cars going the other way stopped, and I remember thinking, "don't they know we're sad here? don't they realize we want to travel along in a slow mundane line of traffic to get to where we have final closure? can't they just go on with their lives and leave us in this 'bubble' of traffic for a moment?" So it did my heart good today to see, if only for a brief moment, a portion of humanity still caring and showing respect for others in their grief and pain. I don't know about you, but when I see a funeral procession, I still pull off the road and stop, even if no one else does. Somehow I think it conveys a quick smile or hug, if you will - a "hey, I understand how you feel" - to the people slowly driving along. So until one of those nice police people tell me I can't, I will.

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