Upcoming Gatherings
As I begin to ponder the possibilities of holiday gatherings in my head, it occurs to me once again that the true reason we get together sometimes gets lost in the adventure. Of course, we all want to see our family members - extended and immediate - and catch up on what all has happened since we last saw them. We enjoy our time together. But what else? Does it matter what day and time your family gathers or where? Does it matter what you eat? Traditions are important to me and I have the utmost of respect for their time tested stamina, but some things I think might need to be shaken up once in awhile. For instance, what about people you know who don't have family or a place to be? What about actually serving others on the holiday? I knew a family once who spent their Thanksgiving day at the mission, serving food. My children and I almost always have extras at our holiday dinners and I love that. I adore my family and I love getting to see my nieces and nephews, etc., etc. But isn't the foundational meaning of the holidays one of gratitude first to God for all that we have, then one of sharing and service to others - sometimes including those less fortunate than ourselves? During this upcoming holiday season, I challenge you to see if you can find someone who could use a smile of good cheer or a donation or a "I'm thinking of you" card in the mail. Whenever I extend myself to reach out to someone else, I'm always the one who receives the greater blessing. And p.s. if you are a person who doesn't have plans for the holidays - get ahold of me - there's always room for one more.
deb - great post. i love the idea of opening up the doors and feeding everyone we can, especially at thanksgiving. since you are a big fan of christmas, just wondering when you will get out your decorations. i usually start decorating on thanksgiving afternoon!