Sunday, October 18, 2009


My youngest niece and nephew are twins, aged 2 1/2. They came over today to visit. As you can see in this first picture to the left, I have a few toys that are age appropriate for them, that are educational, yada, yada, yada. The interesting thing is, as you can see in the second picture, that they spent most of the day playing in, yes those are my laundry baskets! They loved them. They put their toys in, carried them around, they put themselves in, insisted that others put themselves in - it was a hoot! At one point we had to get the second basket out because they were beginning to get a little crabby about sharing the one. My point being, that children see what we as adults often overlook - we think we need a certain car, certain clothes, - certain "toys" as it were - the latest and the greatest to make us happy, yet the things that will make us the happiest are right here in front of us in the everyday. Look around you today and see what ordinary things are in your life that can contribute to your happiness and well being.

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