Saturday, September 19, 2009


When my three children were young, I was busy 24/7 - or so it seemed. I was raising them by myself, worked a couple of jobs and allowed them to each be in one activity. We have lots of stories of the "adventures" that happened to us during those days! But I always thought when they were grown up and had lives of their own, that my life would be slow and boring. I'm still waiting for that to happen! I find myself everyday faced with making choices of what I can and cannot do because of time constraints - it's kind of frustrating. Frustrating, I guess, because I want to do it all! I do realize that part of that scenario is my work schedule - I have no schedule - I work whenever people need me. But also, because so much is available. Like yesterday, I worked, wanted to go see my nephew walk in the Tremont Homecoming parade (Cub Scouts), but had people at the house and ended up being late to meet friends for dinner - for which I gave up the watching the Cardinals game. Today I want to run over to the orchard to get some cidar donuts to surprise Barry (they're his favorite), want to walk through the crafts at the pumpkin festival, want to go to the pow wow over by Wildlife Prairie Park, need to do laundry (or I literally walk around in my pj's all day), need to clean because the kids are coming over for lunch tomorrow (and because it needs it no matter what!) and church is tonight. The list goes on and on. Then it kinda hits me - this is part of who I am. I love activity and I love doing things and I love having people in the house. So, as long as I remember to take some time out to relax - do some reading, do some drumming, dance naked in the full moonlight (just kidding on that last one!), then I guess I'll be ok - busy, but I think that's the way I like it. Perhaps it never will change and I think I'll be alright with that.

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