This picture of Apollo, my little nephew, says it all, doesn't it? That's just how I feel today..relationships not working out, groceries not bought, car running loudly, I just can't have my way, and on and on and on. So just for tonight, I'll let myself pout and maybe whine just a little before returning to "adulthood" for work tomorrow. Just the thought of allowing myself to indulge in a little self pity - not too much - just a little - makes me feel better. Wah, wah - tomorrow will be a better day - my little inner child will be back to normal and my hurt feelings will be soothed and put away. Just once in awhile I have to coddle myself a little. Tonight is that night - bring on the chocolate!
I know just what you mean, girlfriend. What's your fav kind of chocolate? Mine's Dove & Kit-Kats. If I had to pick one candy bar & could have nothing else for the rest of my life it would be Kit-Kats. BTW, I knew what the 70's were on the tables at your Mom's party. I admire you so much for finding something you love & starting your own business. I don't have the chutzpah or confidence to do that. I live totally in the moment at all times & never think past the next few days. Hope tomorrow/today is better for you!