It's always been intriguing to me how two people (or more for that matter) can experience the same event and come away seeing two different things. I have decided it is due to perception - how each person perceives what is happening. As our minds process what we are seeing and hearing, I guess how we feel about things and what our prior experiences are, play a part in sifting through and coming out with what we believe happened - and that makes it truth to us. But sometimes it's not true. Here's a picture of my niece, who's 4, at my mom's party - she has confetti stuck to her face from the table decorations. Isn't she adorable? Several people came up to me and said "why did you put 'R's on the tables?" If you look closely at Maria's face in this picture, you'll see they are 70's - my mom turned 70 and that's what we were celebrating. Depending on how the "70" was turned, it apparently looked like an "R" to some people. They perceived it was a letter, not a number. Hmmmm...I wonder if there are things in my life that I think are what they really are not??
I am now able to do this, thanks to