Here is a picture of my daughter, Mallory, at my grandma's funeral about 4 years ago. In the past year and a half, she has lost 90 lbs. I am sooooooo proud of her. I know losing weight is a hard undertaking and she has done a fantastic job. I'm posting these two pictures because she doesn't think she looks much different - whoa! The second picture was taken last Sunday at our cookout. I think she looks totally different. And I'm proud of her, not because being skinny makes you a better person than being heavy, but because she's healthier, making better choices, and identified something she wanted to change about herself and set out to do it. Today is day 3 of my "diet". I hate that word. I've been on a ton of them and it goes well for awhile, then, well, you know the scoop. Little by little I'm done with it. I waited until day 3 to mention this in my blog, you'll notice, to see if I was going to stick with it these first few days - because in my mind, they're crucial. I'm attempting to modify my eating habits and my living habits. I'll keep you posted.
wow deb she has done agood job.i wish i had her will power