Saturday, January 22, 2011


I have so much to say, too little time to say it. So much to do, too little time to do it. So much to buy, too little money to buy it. You get the idea. But amongst all the "chaos" of this wedding busyness (and just ordinary day to day stuff), alot of life lessons are being learned and affirmed in my life. Things I have always known, now I am seeing again played out in others' lives (and my own). My goal is to take notice, pay attention, and LEARN from what I see, so I don't get caught in the same snare. Here's a few of them - hope you ponder these yourself and make constructive changes in your lives if you need to.

Don't talk about others - that negativity will come back on you in one way or another; i.e., don't be deceived, that which you sow, you will also reap.

Don't tell anything to someone else you don't want repeated - usually every single person will have to tell one more person, then soon the person you didn't want to hear, will hear it from someone else - not you.

If you're going to need 20 spools of ribbon for a project, don't just buy 10 now to save money and then go back later to buy the other 10 - chances are, they aren't going to have that same color at the later date.

You can't please everyone - period. Remember you have to look yourself in the mirror every morning and like what you see according to what you've done. You also have to be at peace with God and how you've acted, so act and do accordingly - be true to yourself.

People are full of basic instincts. Every person (unfortunately) at some time or another, will lie, cheat, or steal to cover their own rears. It takes alot of effort to change that first response.

Most of us are not tuned into the "why" of what we do - it all seems logical to us. Sometimes, therefore, it helps to look past what someone's doing to the why behind it - doesn't excuse bad behavior, but it helps to see that not everything is about or because of us - it might just be that person's problem.

Laugh - it's very important.

Try to put things in perspective - is this going to make a difference in 10 years? in 20 years? For eternity?

My last piece of wisdom for today - if you're going to live in Central Illinois, at some point in your life, you will have to give up and wear real shoes. I'll say no more.

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