Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Judy!

This past week, my friend Judy Green (I always call her by both names - don't know why) had a birthday - she turned, well, probably can't tell that info. Anyway, whoever could get it in their schedule met at Moraine View State Park, Dawson Lake for breakfast today to celebrate. The weather was beautiful, the scenery was gorgeous, the food was great, and, as always, the fun and fellowship was fabulous. Here's a few snip snaps of what we did. Happy birthday, Judy!

First we ate breakfast - eggs, bacon, pancakes, potatoes - yum!

Especially the potatoes!

Then we drove around to look at the area and the park. Here's the windmills - I love them! They remind me of graceful women dancing.

Then we drove back to Marilea's campsite for dessert after breakfast - yes, sometimes we eat dessert with our breakfast. In this case, birthday cake!

Here's Judy with her birthday cake - oops! Before Marilea added the decorations.

Judy loved the bright green plates and polka dotted napkins.

Marilea lit the candles.

Here's the cake all decorated - chocolate cake with carmel icing.

Blow out those candles, Judy!

Here's a couple pictures at the lake - boat dock, restaurant, little marina.

Some paddleboats were out on the lake.

Nice sunshine! What a lovely day!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Coming!

Can you hear it? Can you see it? Can you feel it? Yep - fall is right around the corner and I'm so excited! As you already know, fall is my favorite time of the year. Oh, I know - the temperature is going to be 87 today and it's hot and sunny and still humid - blah, blah! Simple details - lol! But did you smell the world the other night outside? It smelled like fall. That beautiful full moon looked like fall! Tanner went back to work today, so that means it's school time for all the kiddos! And I got an e-mail advertisement for a store the other day that claimed it was only 132 days until Christmas! Holy cow! I know it's a very busy time of the year for everyone, but let's try not to miss the wonder of the beautiful world around us - it's absolutely miraculous the way the seasons change and the mother earth prepares for her winter snooze. Don't miss a minute of it! Tune in and enjoy every little detail around you! And may I be the first to wish you "Happy Fall"!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Pieces of wisdom

I completely finished reading my book and the supplemental information that was published with it and I would like to share a couple of "nuggets of wisdom" I gleaned from reading this final chapter.
"You are always governing your mental feast. During the day thousands of thoughts, suggestions, opinions, sights, and sounds reach your eyes and ears. You can reject them as unfit for mental consumption or entertain them as you choose." Wow. As I'm learning more and more what a huge part my brain plays in this adventure called life, and how much goes on "behind the scenes" so to speak or without my conscious realization, it is invigorating to embrace the truth that I have some control over what goes into my mind and subconscious. It's actually very freeing to realize I play a part in this and am not just a helpless "victim" of today's media blitz on tv, radio, video games, etc.

"The negative flood of thoughts came to him as often as fifty times in an hour; each time he refused to open the door of his mind to these gangsters, assassins, and thieves which he knew would only rob him of peace, wealth, success, and all good things." I found it very interesting that the author labeled negative thoughts as "criminals" basically - things that could steal from us the very things we wish for in this life - happiness, peace, love, success, etc.

It has been very enlightening and encouraging to read this book and try to see things from another perspective - I love to learn new things and to have my old thinking challenged. Sometimes I take in the new and discard the old - sometimes not, but either way, it is a good idea, in my opinion, to keep my mind open to viewing life and it's happening in new ways.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Before School Starts Adventure!

Eating popcorn and candy, waiting for The Smurfs in 3D to begin!

Eating a "late night dinner" at Steak 'n Shake after the movie!

Maria coloring her Steak 'n Shake hat!

Maria in her hat after it was all colored!

Every year I try to take whichever of my smallest nieces and nephews are going back to school on a "before school starts adventure". Last night, Terrance and Maria and I went on our adventure. We went to see The Smurfs in 3D movie - ate popcorn and candy and drank Sprite; then we went to Steak 'n Shake for what Terrance called a "late night dinner" where we ate, laughed, Maria tipped the waitress personally (and I mean she didn't just leave the money on the table!) and they colored. This is where the following conversation took place - Maria: "Aunt Debbie, why do restaurants have a bathroom for boys and a bathroom for girls? We only have one at home". Me: "Well, you know, you're in the bathroom with people you don't know". Maria: "Yeah" (obviously not satisfied with that answer). Me: "Well, maybe it's because boys stand up to potty and girls sit down". Maria: "WHAT"?????!!!!!! Me: "Maybe you should ask your mom". Sorry Vicky! Anyway, I enjoyed the Smurf movie and they seemed to, also. We pretty much had the theatre to ourselves except a mom and her little guy. We were going to go get ice cream at Pinky's but it was closed by the time we got back to Tremont, so we'll do that another night. It's unbelievable how fast they've grown. Thanks for going with this old woman, kids - I hope you have a great school year!

It's almost fall!

You know what that means - it's almost fall! Means I'm getting that itch to pull out pumpkins, jeans and sweatshirts. I want to yank out stuff from every room and closet in my house and clean from top to bottom, and get rid of anything that isn't absolutely necessary. It means I want to buy flavored coffees and hot chocolates and think about Christmas! It means I don't have time to do any of that, since fall is typically a very busy time in my massage business, and, of course as you know, I've added my "hobby gone wild" of jewelry making to the schedule this fall! I love to be busy, and I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fall! It's my favorite time of year. I almost hurt my neck while it was jerking to and fro to look at all the fall displays at Hob Lob the other day! Anyway, fall is a time of year when I feel particularly alive. I actually finished the book I was reading and am now reading a little supplemental book to follow in it's footsteps. It has changed some of my thinking and I'm very excited to see changes show up in my life because of it. Change your thinking, change your life! Enjoy these cooler temperatures and beautiful, sunny day.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

It's all in your head!

It's all in your head - life, that is. Much of it is, as they say, "between your ears". Sometimes I think we forget how much control we have over a situation by controlling our thinking. When we constantly meditate on how bad things are or what bad might happen to us, pretty soon, bad things are happening to us, and things do seem pretty bleak. Coincidence? I think not. I have really been challenged to examine the things in my life that I don't like or that I think should be different and starting to change them by changing my thinking. Our minds are very powerful tools in the scope of what our lives become. What's inside becomes outside - as a man thinks in his heart, so is he - I could go on and on but the main point again here is that what we think about and dwell upon is truth to us and becomes our actual experience. But here's a revolutionary new thought - we don't have to just settle for that. If you are a person who tends to hang on the negative side - you know, glass half empty kind of person, you can change that - when you become aware that you're thinking and talking negatively - stop in your tracks! Reverse yourself - think of something good, kind, someone trustworthy and loyal - go to your "happy place"! Just a suggestion, but slowly but surely I believe we have the ability to change our lives and ultimately our world for the better.