Sunday, January 2, 2011

Christmas is REALLY here now!

I never feel like it's really Christmas until my kids all come over for our family celebration. We traditionally do that the Saturday after Christmas because everyone's so busy on the actual holiday, so yesterday, we had our Christmas. We did the traditional egg roll making, the opening of presents, and the trying out of the new family game I get us each year (last year and this year, the games were really good - the couple years before that, I had, well, not made such good game choices!) I am amazed at how much better we've become over the years at the egg roll making process - I think only one time did I hear the boys say - "uh - that one had a hole in it!" Even though we use the same basic recipe every year, they always taste a little differently each time - still good, but a little different. I started the day out pretty stressed because I made the girls each a pendant and they're lost in this house somewhere (the pendants, not the girls!) - put in a safe place so I wouldn't lose them, I'm sure - but eventually I forced my ocd brain to move on, wrapped the rest of the presents, made the peach pies, and started chopping. We were just sad because Patrick had to go to work, so we quick opened our presents, so he could at least be here for that part. I'm sure there were some left over egg rolls and pie for him to consume later, though! Here's a few pictures of what happened yesterday - I know each family does it differently, but I think sometimes it's fun to "peek" in on someone else's group. So enjoy and laugh with us for a minute, if you will. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May this time next year, we all be saying what a great year 2011 was!

Here's the stockings before they were unloaded!

Here's the scene before everyone arrived!

Here's Tan man, relaxing, as the girls divvy out the presents!

Mal opened new boots from Barry and Britt!

Britt is sure her new lounge pants will fit! Mal calls them "zazzy pants". They each got a pair!

Mal received crocheting supplies!

The girls got matching lined sweatshirts and both got new boots! Aren't they beautiful?

Here's Barry and Britt - Bear had been hunting all day, and his poor face was very red!

Here's Barry in the famous "Avery white hat". I'm not sure,
but it's something to do with hunting and the white of the snow??

There was wrapping of the egg rolls after all the chopping and stir frying!

Lots of wrapping!

The boys traditionally do the honor of frying - this year was no exception!

It seems like "millions", but really only about 100!


Then we tried out our new game - this year's is Balderdash. We had a blast!

There's some writing in this game!

Oops - Tan man closed his eyes!

That's better!

Oops - the "flock of seagulls" hair has flown over to Bear after he removed his hat!

This is the beautiful necklace I got from my kids - sorry it's kinda blurry. Amethyst is my birthstone and, of course, everyone knows I LOVE penguins. How perfect! I also received a really cool gel floor mat to go in my shop because I'm on my feet so much - it'll be really wonderful! I love both presents! My kids are pretty fabulous, aren't they?

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