Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another year older!

Yesterday it happened - I aged again. It seems like just the other day the kids had a party for my 50th and now, here I am....well that exact number's  not really important now, is it? Anyway, I have the best customers. Some days it's hard, as dealing with the public always is, but then a day like yesterday happens and my wonderful clients just shine and restore my faith in people - they gave me everything from Starbucks and other gift cards to Hobson (as we've now named my big fluffy, stuffed penguin) and beautiful flowers delivered right to my door. There was also a penguin mug and spoon, and lots of texts and facebook messages. A big thank you to all of you, for making my day so special. I really do love every one of you.

Here's some photo documentation, just so you know I'm not pulling your leg!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Believe it or not!

I recently heard a story I could hardly believe. I felt like the person telling the story was credible and had told the truth, but my brain was having a hard time embracing the whole of the story. So, I looked it up on the internet and found it to be a true story (I can't question everything, so I have to just take someone at their word and the internet won!). Anyhoo, there was a study conducted approximately 7 years ago or so (you'll hopefully forgive my terrible attention to details) using a placebo effect. A placebo effect, as I understand it, entails leading someone to believe they have received some type of treatment that they did not in fact receive, and the results are then calculated. This particular study divided its' participants into three groups - all participants had knee trouble and pain. One group was given extensive corrective surgery, one group was given minimal surgery, and one group was opened up and then just closed back up with no corrections administered at all. All participants were told that they had received the most extensive surgery. After following all the participants for a period of two years, everyone reported the same results - all had better range of motion and no pain. Even the ones who were just cut open, then sewn shut. This article was indicating that insurance companies should evaluate paying for surgeries that, in fact, were not necessary if people could be convinced to be better without the surgery. I took away a whole different thought. Once again, our western world of medicine refuses to acknowledge the mind body connection and the power our belief system has over our whole self, including our physical health. One could conclude, therefore, that whatever we believe, we can achieve; that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he; that a merry heart does good like a medicine; that if I think I can, I can - if I think I dare not, don't. Food for thought (no pun intended). Long ago I read a story about two people, both stricken with cancer. Each person and their family was called in by their respective doctors to hear the results of their testing. The first doctor told his patient, I'm sorry, but we found your body to be full of cancer. You probably have about 3 months to live - go home, get your affairs in order. We'll keep you as comfortable as possible. The second doctor also told his patient, I'm sorry, but we found your body to be full of cancer. However, miracles happen everyday, and there's no reason that you shouldn't receive one. Go to the beach, enjoy your family, do what you want to do. Who knows how long you'll live - maybe years. You guessed it - the first patient died in 3 months. The second patient lived 2 years. I think we are missing a big portion of what our lives could be, by denying the power of our minds. Change your thinking, change your world.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday

Today is the day celebrated as Ash Wednesday. Now, I am not Catholic, Methodist, or Lutheran by religious training, but I love ceremonies and traditions and am somewhat intrigued by them. The past couple years I have been "dabbling" in lent, (don't even ask me to report about last year when I gave up road rage for lent - oh my!) and this year, I might just be a full blown participant. As I understand the season (in a nutshell), this is a time we are to sacrifice or give up something that holds some type of meaning for us, in order to spend that time (or money or whatever) on a spiritual event (such as praying, meditating, reading, Bible study, etc.) instead; of course, all the while remembering the symbolism of Christ's 40 day fast and his consequent sacrifice for us. So this year I have decided to give up my evening "snack" - yes, it has become a ritual in my home to eat something before I go to bed. I know, I know, bad habit - don't judge me, you all have your own bad habits, too - lol! Whether it's ice cream, Girl Scout cookies, chocolate covered raisins, peanut butter and crackers (are you hungry yet?) or the ever popular (at least in my family) coffee mug cake, it has become customary for me to snack on something while I'm watching the news and weather before bed. This season I will skip the snack, turn off the tv and participate in some type of spiritual event - reading, praying, studying, whatever. I think it will be a good thing for me on several levels, and who knows, it might just become my new habit??? In the world where we now find ourselves living, I dare say it might do each and every person, religious affiliation put aside, to find something and purposely sacrifice it for a period of time. We live in a society where no one tells themselves (or their children or grandchildren) no for any reason and our world is suffering because that habit has bred entitled, self indulgent, non-accountable human beings. Just food for thought. Are you participating in lent this year? Let me know what you're giving up and how it's going.

On a side note, I saw on the internet that Ash Wednesday in the year 2020 will fall on my birthday. Hmmmm....wonder what I'll be giving up by then? Aging?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Happy Birthday!

Today I received the surprise of my life. My children brought me an early birthday present. Here's a picture of Spencer, trying it out.

Yes! My children got me a piano! I could hardly believe my eyes when they had me come outside to see my present - a piano, sitting on my sidewalk! Of course, you all know of my love for music, my attending college on a piano scholarship, and then having to give away my piano when I moved to this current location (and secretly regretting it daily), so you all realize how much this gift means to me. Not only that, but they bought this piano in less than pristine condition and Barry and Tanner cleaned it, and sturdied the bench, and stained it - on and on! So not just money, but love went into this gift and it made this momma oh so happy! It is set to be tuned in three weeks, but that didn't stop me from playing away this evening. Who knows, maybe my grandchildren will want lessons one day, so I have to get practiced up!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Reca is Here!

Reca Elaine Thies, born Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 3:50 p.m., weighing 7 lbs. 13 oz., measuring 19 1/2 inches long, sister to Spencer Monroe Thies, child of Patrick and Mallory Thies. Here's a few pictures to document her cuteness. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Spencer Monroe Thies turns 1!

My first grandchild, Spencer Monroe Thies, born January 27, 2012, has turned one year old! Very hard to fathom that a year has gone by since this perfect little man entered our lives. It has been a year of love, heartache, disappointment, and happiness - mostly of love. Here's some photo documentation of that special day. Some of these I sent from my phone, so forgive me - I haven't learned how to crop those yet, so they'll have the facebook language on them. Sorry! I never stop learning! (Thank goodness!)

Yay! The birthday boy clapping (probably for himself!) 

Spencer and Aunti B

Spencer and Uncle B

"I don't want to hear anymore!"

"Praise the Lord!" 

Spencer and Uncle Tan man

Special cake and cupcakes!

Reading my new book in my new chair with my new clothes on.

Cousin Ellie!

Spencer and cousin Ellie

Spencer and cousin Ellie

Aunti B and cousin Ellie

Eating my cake!

It's yummy!

Num num!

My new birthday outfit!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Birds of a Feather

Soooooo much has happened I barely know where to start--so I won't start today. But I promise, I'll catch you all up with pictures of Spencer's first birthday, and the day Reca was born, etc., etc. For now I'd like to expound upon a phenomenon that has me intrigued. I am observing more and more in the people around me that I am acquainted with, that it seems to occur that we "rub off" on each other. There may be a completely wonderful conversation going on between a couple of people, then all of a sudden, one makes a negative comment, then another, then pretty soon both parties are just moaning and complaining all over the place! The good news is, this tendency doesn't just occur with negative ideas. Nope! The good news is that by being positive, we can actually influence or "rub off" our "positiveness" (if that's even a word) on others around us. It seems that all this goes on subconsciously or under the radar, so to speak - without our knowledge. But it's true. I've seen it happen again and again and again. So today, I am going to try to be aware of both aspects of this happening - I'm going to try to guard myself so as to not pick up things that don't serve me well, and secondly, I'm going to try to be a positive, happy, healthy influence in my conversations and my actions to others around me. Let's rub off on each other in a good, positive way today!