Friday, June 24, 2011

Do I Just Think Weird?

Recently I heard a story on the radio. Let me preface these comments by saying I only know the details given by the radio announcer, so there is alot of information left out of this story. Let me also say that this story did illustrate the announcer's point, but, well.....let me just tell you then you decide if I just think weird!

The announcer's point was that our lives can change in just a second of time. He told a story about a man who died and, in his will, hired a private detective to find his brother and let him know he was the heir to the dead man's estate. It took the private detective 2 months to find the brother because he was homeless - pushing a grocery cart down the street with all his belongings. Now the announcer's point was that this homeless man's life would now change in the blink of an eye - he could buy a home, buy clothing, take a shower, etc., etc., etc. We don't know why the man was homeless or what had transpired between the brothers previous to the first brother's death.

Here was my thinking - how sad. Have we come to this point? You can have what I no longer need because I'm dead? I was sickened to think that one of my brothers or any relative (or anyone I know, actually) would be homeless and have no one to do anything about it. Maybe I'm thinking weird, but, really - why can't we all help each other now, while we're still alive? Have we all become so self absorbed that we can't see outside ourselves long enough to assist another? Maybe you don't know anyone who is homeless - I really don't either. But I'm sure you (and I) could find someone who would appreciate a little support and help in this world full of hardships. Set a goal to find someone today and help them out a little - one way or another.

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