Sunday, March 25, 2012

Let it Go!

I am currently reading Bishop T.D. Jakes' newest book, "Let it Go". In the words of one of my friends, "are you sure you want to do that?" Lol! I love T.D. Jakes and have read several of his other books, always resulting in a positive change for my life. This book is about forgiveness. It appears that I have several things inside that may, in the end, qualify as unforgiveness. It is a book that has a very timely message. I am anxious to gain some wisdom in this arena, as well as how to navigate the waters of extending forgiveness to others. Anyone who knows me very well, knows that I am motivated for every single thing that I do by my children. I learned early on in motherhood, that I could not pass on to my children, anything that I did not possess - in other words, if I have a problem with a neighbor who has wronged me, I can't help them forgive a neighbor who has wronged them. Thus my motivation to improve my life skills lies in the hope of being able to continue to parent them, even at my age - in a different way than when they were small, of course. Anyway, T.D. Jakes said something recently in an interview that stuck with me and increased my motivation to improve. He said when we harbor unforgiveness for an event where someone wronged us, we stay "incarcerated" as it were, in that same spot - we can't move on past it. I don't want to stay incarcerated where my unforgiveness lies, so I'm on a trek to see what can be done about it.

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