Thursday, March 29, 2012

Season of Change

Boy, do I hate this - change! As I get older, I'm not as adept to changes as I used to be. I try to be. I try to flexible, and spontaneous and all those good things. And usually I am. But once in awhile, a huge change comes along that takes all the wind out of my sails and sets me back a little. Right now, I'm experiencing a change like that - relationship changes are always the hardest, I think. It's hard to be hurt, it's hard to be rejected, it's hard to keep my mouth shut - lol! But besides relationship changes recently, I've begun to attend a different church (with my children), I've been blessed with my first grandchild (another on the way - yay!), some things appear to be changing with my work, and on and on. It's just a season of change. I've heard it said that without change, growth cannot occur. I suppose that's accurate - it's just usually uncomfortable, and I don't really like it. Besides being out of my comfort zone with all the changes, the loss of a friendship is a great sadness to me - I will be ok, but for awhile, I will be sad.

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