Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall is here!

In case you didn't know, tonight, at approximately 11:09 p.m. our time, the fall equinox will happen - if that's how you refer to it - sorry I'm not exactly politically correct on some of this stuff. But I did read that it will be another 19 years before what happens tonight will happen again - that the fall equinox (the day that signals the beginning of fall and is one of the days where the daylight and the darkness are almost equal and apparently is when the earth passes between the sun and the moon - I think I have my story straight) and the full harvest moon happen on the same night. I looked at the moon when I left work earlier and I couldn't believe how bright it was. And right now we can see Jupiter - it was really bright also. In my circle of friends we always tease about the power of the moon, orchestrating the ocean tides, etc., etc., and say that someday we should dance naked in the full moonlight. Tonight would be a good night to do that, for sure. However, being the wise women that we are, we have not attempted such an activity. The four women who were leaving work tonight together, all did a little "jig" in the parking lot in the full moonlight - none of us were naked, but we danced nonetheless. Happy Fall!

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