Thursday, September 23, 2010

Quite a day!

Today was quite a day - and I have a specific reason for telling you about it. My day started today at 3:30 a.m. when our electricity went out. I knew our electricity went out because our carbon monoxide alarm started doing that "beep, beep, beep, beep" notification that it no longer has power. So, I grabbed my flashlight and first went to the garage to check my breakers. I guess somewhere deep down I knew they wouldn't all blow at once, but it was the first thought that came to my mind (after "did I pay the Cilco bill?" - lol!). I looked out the windows and doors to see if I could tell if everyone in the neighborhood was without lights, but that's kinda hard to tell at 3:30 a.m.! I went to the front room where I keep all my bills in a basket and dug through (still by flashlight) for the latest Cilco bill and found the number to call. I gave them all my info, and they said someone would be out. At this point I decided I'd better not go back to sleep yet because I was afraid we'd oversleep. Then about 4:00 I heard some people yelling - I thought one of the kids had gotten up and gotten disoriented and was calling for help - I don't know why I thought that, but I did. Anyway, it was the neighbors on their front porch arguing. I laid back down, fighting sleep and then heard one of my other neighbors talking to the Cilco man at about 5:00 and he said it would be at least an hour and a half. Oh my! Anyway, I tried not to sleep, yet rest - you get the idea. It was almost time to be up when I thought about that stinking new cell phone the kids got me and, lo and behold, it does have an alarm on it! Anyway, the electricity finally came on just as Tanner and I were leaving for work - yay! I went to work for one appointment, then headed over to Peoria to do chair massages at an office where I do massages each month for the employees. As I crossed the river over into Peoria, I realized I had totally left the shop without bringing one thing with me - that's right, no massage chair, no cd player, no headrest covers - nothing. I had to turn completely around and go back to the shop, get my equipment and start over. It was a very short day there, as everyone was pretty busy, so I ran some errands where I ran my car into a parking block (as if I've never driven before!). I decided to make chicken and noodles for dinner, so I stopped by the store, but forgot to buy noodles, so I decided to make homemade ones. Upon arriving home, however, I found the whole kitchen taken up with chocolate chip cookies Mal was making for Patrick's road trip this weekend - after they left I decided to just run to another store and grab a bag of noodles where a lady almost hit me when taking the parking place I was going into. What a day. Why did I tell you all this? Because if this was interactive and you could, each one of you would have a story of a day like today was for me - maybe yours didn't occur today, but I'm relatively sure you could remember a day where things didn't quite go as anticipated for you. The purpose, then, of this post, is to remind you that we all have those days - you're not in it alone. You're not singled out or being punished or treated badly - it's just life on this old earth. Here's to tomorrow being a better day! Road trip!

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