Saturday, July 30, 2011

Change your thinking-change your world.

Recently, as you know, I've been reading what I call a "self help" book. They are not as fun to read as novels and take me longer. If I were to be completely honest, I'd admit to you that I very rarely finish them. Oh, I get excited about them - I buy them - I start reading them - then I get stuck, or lose interest, or can't seem to focus or accomplish what I'm supposed to be helping myself about. Anyway, I am currently reading a book that one of my customers suggested and it's wonderful. I'm actually going to finish reading this one and maybe read it a second time. It has prompted a couple of insights and revelations into life for me already. Quite some time ago, I said I was going to do something and a friend of mine said I could not because of my feelings; and, he said, "you can't control how you feel"; to which I responded, "I can't control how I feel, but I can control how I act, and eventually my feelings will catch up". Well, I don't know exactly where that little quisp (is that a word, because you know how I literally LOVE to make up my own words) of wisdom came from, but let me just quote a line from this book that I saw when reading yesterday. "Act as though I am and I will be." Hey! Didn't I say that a few years ago? I love it when I finally get confirmation that I was right about something. But the bigger point here is the essence of what I, long ago, and the author (in 1963) were saying - in order to change our worlds, we have to change how we think and act. Not happy with the way things are going in your world? Consider an attitude or action adjustment!

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