Saturday, January 7, 2012


Today I found myself doing something that has become a habit over the past few months - a thing that nine out of ten times ends in my frustration. Suddenly the thought rambled through my mind - "stop sabotaging yourself". I began to think of all the areas of my life where I might actually be sabotaging myself...and, to my surprise, there were several. What I mean by that, is areas where I do things that do not help me in the long run. For example, like when you're on a diet and you buy tons of cookies and candies at the grocery store. Then those items are in your house and readily available for your consumption in a weak moment - bazinga! You've sabotaged yourself in the area of dieting. So, I'm trying to become more aware of those times and areas where I'm actually "spitting into the wind", "cutting off my nose to spite my face", and "shooting myself in the foot". Some things become such a habit I don't realize what I'm doing, so this is going to take some effort to tune in and become aware of what's actually happening around me. What areas of your life could you be subconsciously sabotaging your success? Might be worth taking a look!

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