Monday, May 23, 2011

Putting on my creative thinking hat

It's a time of stretching...thinking outside of the box...exploring alternative ways of doing things....taking some risks. Ok, so practically, what does all that say? One thing I've decided to do is secure a "booth" (really just a table under a tree at the baseball diamond!) at the craft sale at the Tremont Turkey Festival this year where I'll attempt to sell my jewelry, rice bags, and some knitted dish cloths. Everything for sale there must be handmade. I decided a little close to the actual dates (June 10-12), so I'm frantically beading, knitting, and going crazy anticipating lots of sales and wanting to be completely prepared. We'll see how it goes. I love beading - one neck can only wear so many necklaces, though, you realize. So why not share the finished product with others. I'm also thinking about holding a "pre event sale" at the shop the week before the Turkey Festival - not sure yet. Have an opinion? If you have any questions or want to get a glimpse of these "handcrafted one of a kind unique" pieces of jewelry ahead of the festival, just let me know. In the meantime, keep trying to expand your thinking - til it reaches out past the box we all know and love because it appears secure.

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