Sunday, August 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Judy!

This past week, my friend Judy Green (I always call her by both names - don't know why) had a birthday - she turned, well, probably can't tell that info. Anyway, whoever could get it in their schedule met at Moraine View State Park, Dawson Lake for breakfast today to celebrate. The weather was beautiful, the scenery was gorgeous, the food was great, and, as always, the fun and fellowship was fabulous. Here's a few snip snaps of what we did. Happy birthday, Judy!

First we ate breakfast - eggs, bacon, pancakes, potatoes - yum!

Especially the potatoes!

Then we drove around to look at the area and the park. Here's the windmills - I love them! They remind me of graceful women dancing.

Then we drove back to Marilea's campsite for dessert after breakfast - yes, sometimes we eat dessert with our breakfast. In this case, birthday cake!

Here's Judy with her birthday cake - oops! Before Marilea added the decorations.

Judy loved the bright green plates and polka dotted napkins.

Marilea lit the candles.

Here's the cake all decorated - chocolate cake with carmel icing.

Blow out those candles, Judy!

Here's a couple pictures at the lake - boat dock, restaurant, little marina.

Some paddleboats were out on the lake.

Nice sunshine! What a lovely day!

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