Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Coming!

Can you hear it? Can you see it? Can you feel it? Yep - fall is right around the corner and I'm so excited! As you already know, fall is my favorite time of the year. Oh, I know - the temperature is going to be 87 today and it's hot and sunny and still humid - blah, blah! Simple details - lol! But did you smell the world the other night outside? It smelled like fall. That beautiful full moon looked like fall! Tanner went back to work today, so that means it's school time for all the kiddos! And I got an e-mail advertisement for a store the other day that claimed it was only 132 days until Christmas! Holy cow! I know it's a very busy time of the year for everyone, but let's try not to miss the wonder of the beautiful world around us - it's absolutely miraculous the way the seasons change and the mother earth prepares for her winter snooze. Don't miss a minute of it! Tune in and enjoy every little detail around you! And may I be the first to wish you "Happy Fall"!

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