Thursday, November 3, 2011

A community together

You've all seen pictures by now of what's been happening here in Pekin where I live, so I'm not going to copy and paste any, but suffice it to say, it's been emotional at the very least. If you're reading this and you don't know, the 19 year old boy (since I'm 52 years old, anyone who is 19 is a boy to me) that lived across the street from me - a marine - was killed in Afghanistan a week ago Sunday. The only son of divorced parents, he drove a big red old truck on big tires that was loud enough I knew when it left and came home. He had only been in Afghanistan since September. Yesterday, people lined the streets of a route where the funeral procession went from the 1st Baptist Church, through the high school property (he graduated a year ago and all the students were dismissed and allowed to be at the street), then down Court Street and out to the new cemetery on Veteran's Road. People waved flags, cried, removed their hats, and put their hands on their hearts. Some of them knew Jordan, some of them didn't. But as the motorcycles, the hearse, the family, and yes, even Jordan's big ole' red truck passed by, everyone felt the same things - sadness, respect, and gratefulness to this young man who gave everything he had to give so we could keep our freedom. If the opportunity arises, no matter what your opinion about this war, thank a veteran for his part in allowing you to keep living your life the way you choose - free. Rest in peace, Jordan - and thank you.

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