Friday, April 20, 2012


I wish to make an announcement to the entire "electronic" and "computer" world. I'm old now. I don't appreciate all these changes. I have tried very hard to keep up as best as this small town girl felt she needed to; however, when I went to quickly blog my thoughts this a.m., my whole blog setup to compose is changed. I don't even know if this will post. So this is a test - this has to be my quick post before work now, and when I have a break later, I will try to come back and post the "awesome" information I was going to post now. Ha! It really isn't as bad as I make it sound, but it is a little frustrating. It's not that I CAN'T learn new things; it's that my life is full of more important things than figuring out how facebook and blogging have change. My time is more precious to me than that - I want to be spending it making and maintaining memories and relationships. Ok - here goes! Let's see if this works! Have a great day until I am able to talk to you again!

1 comment:

  1. i hate the new blogspot layout too. it's supposed to be easier but it takes twice as long to post anything! ugh!
    PS you are NOT old!! :)
