Monday, February 4, 2013

Birds of a Feather

Soooooo much has happened I barely know where to start--so I won't start today. But I promise, I'll catch you all up with pictures of Spencer's first birthday, and the day Reca was born, etc., etc. For now I'd like to expound upon a phenomenon that has me intrigued. I am observing more and more in the people around me that I am acquainted with, that it seems to occur that we "rub off" on each other. There may be a completely wonderful conversation going on between a couple of people, then all of a sudden, one makes a negative comment, then another, then pretty soon both parties are just moaning and complaining all over the place! The good news is, this tendency doesn't just occur with negative ideas. Nope! The good news is that by being positive, we can actually influence or "rub off" our "positiveness" (if that's even a word) on others around us. It seems that all this goes on subconsciously or under the radar, so to speak - without our knowledge. But it's true. I've seen it happen again and again and again. So today, I am going to try to be aware of both aspects of this happening - I'm going to try to guard myself so as to not pick up things that don't serve me well, and secondly, I'm going to try to be a positive, happy, healthy influence in my conversations and my actions to others around me. Let's rub off on each other in a good, positive way today!

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