Thursday, July 15, 2010

Adventure time!

Remember this? From when I travelled to Guatemala almost 2 years ago? Well, today Mallory left to visit for two weeks there. She will join Vicky, their 4 kids, Vicky's sister and brother in law and their 4 kids from here, then Vicky's parents, other sister and her 2 boys, and miscellaneous humongoid numbers of cousins, etc. who live there. It will be quite a cultural change for Mal, yet I'm sure she will come home with some of the same thoughts of gratitude that I did - we sometimes take for granted all the amenities we enjoy here in America. Of course, there's always the slight raise in my anxiety level when one of my children does something like this. I know they're grown adults and can handle themselves now, but, (and if you have children you know what I mean), I've spent most of my adult life worrying, praying, sacrificing, adjusting - doing all I can to contribute as much as I can to their lives - just out of my sheer love for them. It's weird (and a little difficult) to back off now and let them be on their own. My hope is just that they always know how much I love them and how important they are to me. Have a great trip, Mal - can't wait to hear all your stories!

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