Friday, July 16, 2010


I have always believed that journaling was a great idea. It is simply the process of writing down your thoughts about a certain subject, whatever happened during the day, a certain topic you have new and fresh ideas about, or even what the weather is like each day. In a nutshell, journalling can be whatever you would like it to be. I love to delve into analyzing what I did and felt and why and all that. I then find it particularly fun (and sometimes enlightening) to go back and read my old journals. Sometimes I find I've progressed along in my journey and sometimes I find myself shaking my head, saying, "I'm still working on that one!" At any rate, I am currently and for approximately the next two weeks, recording a different journal. I am recording a journal of what all happens each and every day with me and anyone I know for Mal. She's gone to Guatemala where we can't converse and catch her up on the goings on here, so I decided I would write each night in a journal for her to read when she gets home about what happened here while she was gone. That way, all the fun little details that I LOVE to dwell upon (and you know it's true if you've ever been told a story by me!) will not be forgotten in the time she's gone - they'll be preserved on paper for her to peruse over at her leisure, for her information and entertainment when she arrives home. Pretty clever, if I do say so myself. I hope she enjoys it. It also helps me feel like I'm communicating with her, because I do miss her, and as you probably already have figured out, the place where she is now, phones are used as emergency conveyors of information, not "chit-chat" machines, so when she does get to's not me she's calling! There's a young gentleman who usually is the recepient of those calls!

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