Sunday, July 25, 2010


Here's a couple pictures from two winters ago when I still lived in Tremont. Remember that ice storm we had? That's the one where my feet went one way and my bod another and I did the "scoot down the front porch stairs on your rear" thing! I just was thinking about this the other day. Now when it's so horribly hot and humid and everyone's been complaining and miserable, I thought, we always want what we don't have? Or is it just the extremes that cause us so much grief and disharmony? It seems to me that in our whole lives, whether we recognize it or not, we crave balance. I tell people in my work all the time - your body needs balance. You do need exercise, but don't obsess and do it non-stop. You do need rest, but that's not a reason to be lazy and do nothing physical. Anything to the extreme is not good for us - not physically, not emotionally, not spiritually. I believe that we were made to live in that state of homeostasis (as we call it in the alternative medicine world) - where everything is intricately held in that balance that allows all things to work together efficiently. Now if we could just get central Illinois weather to believe that fact!

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