Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Blowing winds

I came home last week with a little bit of a cold that seemed to grow over the weekend and is now hopefully subsiding. That's my excuse for not blogging recently! Anyway, the winds of change are blowing like blasting tornadoes through my group. Loss of relationships, change (and possible change) of employment and all the ramifications of those adjustments - whew! It makes my head spin and I'm on the sideline of most of it, just watching (and praying). Change is inevitable - it's necessary for us to grow. It takes wisdom to know when it's time to make a change or even accept a change. Unfortunately, most of time, it is unsettling and sometimes painful, even when it is for the best. Here's hoping that all these current changes lead to a better situation for all of us. Have some sense about you, kids, as you maneuver through all these wandering paths of change. Remember to hang on to those who care for you and are supportive of you. Remain true to yourselves, learn from your mistakes. Stay extremely close to the author and finisher of your faith. I love you all.

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