Monday, November 15, 2010

Laughing at ourselves!

I hate that phrase, "as you get older" - however, it is so often fitting, so I can't help but use it - mainly for myself as I am noticing the changes that come "as I get older". I had the distinct privilege to get to be in the presence of a couple of women on Saturday, who are a little older than me and are just great women. We went to a couple of holiday craft sales, hit a couple of stores looking for Christmas things - just ran around a little. These women have been good friends (and customers) to me over the years. During the course of the day, at one point I was in the back seat of the car when I heard one lady in the front say "I wonder if I have any pecans in the freezer". The other lady said nothing. Again the first lady said, "I wonder if I have any pecans in the freezer". The second lady said "what do you need them for?". "I need them for the salad tonight". "You keep them in the freezer?" "Yes - it keeps them fresh". "Why do you keep your coupons in the freezer?" I laughed so hard - I think my friends could be on one of those Hallmark cards, don't you? There were many more laughs later in the evening as my cousin and I later tried to enlighten these ladies on the subjects of texting, voice mail, and ultimately facebook. But the main point to this story is, again, that we ended up laughing - which is, I think, about the best medicine around! Blessed are they who can laugh at themselves - I laugh at myself all the time - especially as I "get older"!

P.S. I'd post these girls' pictures, but then you'd know for sure who they are (as if you haven't figured that out already) - they're a hoot - love you girls! Thanks for a fun day out!

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