Thursday, March 10, 2011

It's closing in!

Mal's big day is on the horizon! In just a few days this chaotic, loud, busy, messy house will become more chaotic, louder, busier and more messy (I anticipate, at least, that it will get worse before it gets better!) as people from out of town arrive and last minute preparations are made. It's quite a time for reflection, challenges (printer had a glitch, computer has crashed) and has been such an opportunity to see people for who they really are - most of that is sadness, I'm afraid. In our society today, people are pretty much involved in their own selves - commitment means nothing, loyalty means nothing, honesty is not honored - I sound like my grandma used to as she spoke about how our world was turning, but after living my 52 years, I have to say, I now understand what she meant. No longer do we all live by the same standards - there used to appear to be a certain line, albeit unspoken perhaps, but a line of honesty and integrity that people didn't cross - you could take your lunch to work, put it in the refrigerator, and not have to worry that someone else would take it; you could ask someone to do something and if they said they would, their word was their bond - you could count on it. Hmmm. Anyway, all of that pales in comparison to the joy of seeing my little girl become a beautiful bride (and she is beautiful, if I do say so myself!). Amidst all the hub bub of planning and doing, God is doing a new thing - the beginning of a new family that will be Mallory and Patrick. They'll be an extension of their families of origin, of course, but they will live in their own house, make their own decisions, (and their own food - lol!) and make a turn on the path in the journeys of their lives. And with that, all of us who are intricately involved in their lives will take a turn on our paths, too - we'll readjust and see what's ahead in our journeys. It's an honor to be a part of that. So if I don't get back to blogging in the next week, you'll know why - there will be plenty to tell afterwards and some pictures if my computer gets fixed - pray for a nice sunshiney day for my little one to start her new life next Saturday.

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