Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tis the season

Tis the season for...many things. I'm thinking lately not about your usual reason for saying that. I love Christmas and the holidays for soooooo many reasons, but right now I'm thinking about another season. In November we experienced the smallest full moon of 2012. On December 21st, we will experience the winter solstice (shortest day of sunlight of 2012). In the period between those two events, some people say we are advised  to be doing some reflection, if you will. Some preparation for a new year in our journey here on Earth. It has been suggested that this be a time of thinking and evaluating procedures and habits in your life - seeing if just because you've "always done it that way" is still the best way for you now. Are you doing anything just by force of habit that could be done a more efficient way? Or are you carrying some things with you along your journey that really don't serve you very well anymore? Well, I've been doing some evaluating myself during this period of time and I find that I, indeed, have been carrying some subconscious thought patterns and habits that no longer serve who I want to be in this new year. So I am making preparations to discard those things and let them fall by the wayside. Not that those ways of doing things haven't protected or served me well in the past - now it's just time to move on in another direction and those things would serve to hold me back, not encourage me on. Tis the season for much! Take charge of who you are and where you want to go in the new year. Take a minute and reflect - remember, change your thinking, change your world!

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