Sunday, February 20, 2011


After visiting numerous dress shops and spending literally hours at my computer looking at formal dresses for women my size (nope - not telling you!) I am completely and utterly confused, frustrated, and discouraged. Of course, being the multi-tasker that I drive myself to be, the good news is that I'm printing programs while I'm subjecting myself to this utter torture. Several thoughts continue to run through my mind as I look at dress after dress after dress from company after company after company in size after size after size in color after color after color. First of all - "who would pay that much money for 1 piece of clothing?"! Next, "everyone would need sunglasses if I wore something that bright!"! And finally, "really, who would do that to a fat girl?"! The things I have seen are unbelievable. Now I'm not here to get into a discussion about weight and size and all that, but seriously, do they just think if you're larger sized you only wear black, bright red, or bright purple - c'mon! This has seriously been quite an adventure - if you want to see what I end up with (and eventually I will end up with something appropriate), you'll have to come to the wedding - as of today, I don't even know what that will be!

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