Sunday, April 3, 2011

One Day Without Shoes

Have you heard of Toms shoes? I don't own a pair, but I'd like to. Everytime a pair of Toms shoes is purchased, this company gives a pair to a child who needs a pair - one for one. Since September of last year, they have given away over a million pairs of shoes to children in lots of places who need shoes. I don't have to educate you all on the benefits of shoes - especially since you know I hardly ever wear any. But just for a moment think of the weather, the environment that would make it difficult to not have shoes to slip on to protect your feet. Think of cuts, bruises that would lead to infection, or not being able to go to school because you don't own shoes. Tuesday is "one day without shoes" day and to raise awareness lots of people (over 250,000 last year) are not wearing shoes on Tuesday - for an hour, for seven hours, for all day - whatever you can do. The idea is to raise awareness - #1 that not every child has the basic things they need like shoes; #2 that even though we often think we are just one person and can't make a difference, we can - buy yourself a pair of Toms shoes; and #3 that I personally think most people deep down want to share and give if they can and given the opportunity, they will. So, talk it up with your friends; go to, register yourself and free your feet on Tuesday for however long you can! Oh yeah, and buy a pair of Toms shoes - there isn't a retailer close to my home, so I'm planning to purchase mine from There you can also read more information about this "one for one" movement - it's fabulous! One more thing I suggest - it might be a good time to mumble a little prayer of thanksgiving for the shoes on your feet today and the fact that most of us even had a choice which ones we wanted to wear. That's a privilege not everyone has!

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